James Koehnline Animations

This site looks best with a Lithograph font

Chaos Chronometer

Chaos Chronometer

This is a Shockwave clock that I made in Director.

Clock 19

Clock 19

This is a Shockwave clock that I made in Director.

Chance 2 Clock

Chance 2 Clock

This is a Shockwave clock that I made in Director.

Woskel Disc Clock

Woskel Disc Clock

This is a Shockwave clock that I made in Director.

Meander: Drug War 2000

Meander: Drug War 2000

Take a walk through my most insanely detailed collage.

Movies 2001-3

quicktime movies

These are movies I made using Cinema 4D and other software. They have a psychedelic quality to them. They are packaged in one of my many interface designs. Requires the Apple Quicktime plug-in to view them.

Animated GIFs

animated gif interface

These are animated gifs from 2005. There are some large files, so I recommend a fast connection. The interface is for the first 9 gifs.

Click here to see all 35 GIFs.